It's nearing Election time!
I bet the Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is loving this petty bickering:
I believe that both major Australian political parties at the moment are full of incompetent politicians (may as well refer to the political capital as Cuntberra for the moment being). But then again, my impression of politics is mainly negative, because many politicians from the council to federal-level tend to be self-serving, arrogant, and/or manipulative (the final quality is often a necessary characteristic to survive in the system). And in countries where a system of checks and balances aren't put in place, it is readily seen that politicians tend to be in a system of receiving checks and increasing their bank balances. It's human nature, power corrupts. As Jay Leno said, "Politics is derived from the word 'poly' which means many, and 'ticks' which are blood suckers."
Politicians are meant to be a representative of the people, but the majority of people in general are not very bright. Countrymen lend their ears to the one with the best silver tongue, whose policies are supported by those with the biggest gold coffers.
Only in a democratic system, does the votes of two morons count more than a vote of an intellectual. Then again, better two morons democratically competing for the top position of power every couple of years, than the same single moron who rules unopposed for decades, as history shows that usually never turns out too well.
Since Australians lavish our sports with so much praise, I reckon we could try electing one of our most successful Cricket captains with a proven track record, since I'm not sure he can do much worse than the lot we're looking at:

P.S. A hilarious job application summary on a job seeker website for the job of PM:
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