
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Keep Droning On

I predict this meme will age well, just like the boomer generation :P

Seriously though, as an asian, I don't like this phrase, as disrespecting your elders with a matter-of-fact phrase isn't going to achieve anything. It just screams edgy teenager. Communicate and educate.

Learning from mistakes is one of the best ways to learn, but there's no reason they have to be your own. Life's too short to learn only from your own mistakes. After all, good judgment comes from experience; and experience is the capacity to recognise a mistake before you're about to make it again.
That's why my mum stopped having more kids after my younger brother was born (I kid ahahaha).

I wonder what the younger children of now, will think is archaic and old-school about my generation when they've grown up to become young adullts (aka angsty teens with a voice).

[It's been a while since I've posted on this blog, I've kept most of my shitposting private for the last few years, but maybe I'll revamp things again in 2020]