
Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Responsible Corporation

Edit: This public health sketch for Med Revue 2011 can now be seen @32:52 of this Youtube Link

G is a Governmental looking authoritative figure.

C is a Corporate- figure. Slick and wearing a business suit.
Both are addressing the audience/camera in this skit.

<lights up>

Voice Over: This is a message from the Government

G: Hi I’m the Government.

C: And I’m the Corporation.

G: The Government is here for you. We plan to halve the number of smokers by 2020.

C: The Corporation agrees! And the best way to achieve this is to give them even more cigarettes.

G:  <to C> Slick, but we all know you just want to line your pockets. From now on, we’ll make you print warnings about the side effects of smoking.

C: The Corporation fully supports the use of warnings on packaging. ‘Warning: smoking will lead to rapid weight-loss.’

G: Hey that’s unethical!

C: But not illegal. It’s an undisputed fact that smoking will help you lose weight-

G: One lung at a time. Smoking causes lung cancer!

C: So does having lungs. But the Government will be happy to know that the Corporation are releasing a new product to help reduce smoking. Introducing, penis-shaped cigarettes.

G: How is that meant to do anything?!

C: What straight man wants to inhale from a tobacco-filled dick? Further, market research suggests this product will find a niche with homosexuals and easy women.

G: That’s horrible!

C: Actually it’s brilliant. Since all the sluts will die, teenage pregnancy rates will drop - and since all the gays will die, the Government won’t have to worry about the tricky gay-marriage issue. 2 birds with one stone. You can thank me later.

G:  Wow, you have no boundaries. That’s it!  From now on, we’ll make you print huge warnings about alcohol too!

C: Excellent idea!  The public has a right to know that alcohol may lead to increased confidence, and excessive kebab consumption.

G: <anger>  No! Health warnings like liver failure! And others like: Warning, you may wake up next to a really ugly man and bear his child. And the graphic would be someone really ugly, like your face.

C: <puts Government’s finger down> Unlike the government, the Corporation cares about the people, so we’re adding birth control chemicals to all alcoholic beverages.

G: <steps in front of Corporation> Do not buy any of the Corporation’s products. Drink responsibly!

C: <Eases Government to the side as he steps in front> The Corporation would also like to announce we’re releasing a new brand of beer…it’s called Responsibly.
<puts arm around Government’s shoulder, leans on Government with a smirk>

So everyone, drink Responsibly ;)

G: No! Don’t drink responsibly! I mean drink responsi-AGHhhh.

Voice Over: This message from the Government was brought to you by the Corporation

<lights down>

Previous post: A Big Lunch
Previous skit: Asshole Recruitment

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