
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Preacher Curl

People spend thousands of dollars to maintaining their cars, neglecting to take care of the one vehicle we have to go all through life with:
our own body

Instead of buying clothes to look good, you should first prioritise spending time making the frame you put the clothes is excellent. A Lamborghini with a plain coat of black looks better than a Toyota Prius with a chrome finish.

 'My body is a temple'

It goes without saying, but health is intrinsically linked to a good life. Thankfully I am healthy, but I've grown more preoccupied with the idea of exercise becoming a regular mandatory routine similar to brushing your teeth. So I recently joined a gym for the period of a month to see what the fuss was all about to literally & figuratively put the abs in my flabs (heh... 'figure' it out? hurdur... I'll shut up).

It was truly an eye-opening activity, given I did not know squat about squats (sorry not sorry).

Asians are great at squatting. That's why we're world renown for our big booty.
After a few weeks, I realised going to the gym, was like church for fitness freaks
A place for worship
In the beginning, you wake up in the morning not really wanting to go, but after you come home, your mind feels lighter and happier that you did. It's a world full of strange terminology, and whose workers are always inspiring you to try your best. It's a field that takes discipline and sacrifice to stick to the core tenets. Followers have faith that their current suffering is temporary, and there is bliss at the end of the tunnel.
Protein shakes are our holy water, circuit classes our communion. Instead of hymns, we have Electronic Dance Music; songs you grow sick of, but still love.There are people from all walks of life, looking for strength in tough times. There are also hardcore fanatics who you dismiss as a bit crazy but secretly wish you were as motivated as they were.
"Stupid sexy Flanders" - Homer, Greek Poet

The following is a prayer I wrote for ye disciples of the pump:

A gym session is like following the Game of Thrones series. You're in agony, but it's a good hurt.
But I found that it's not just a physical effort to go to the gym that's the most strenuous, but the mental one. It's hard to maintain the drive to keep going when you don't see the results immediately, but you quickly learn that the best way to keep your chin up is by doing a chin-up (I can do 5 now...yay!).

Maybe gyms should also offer a membership package where you pay for every day that you don't go.

I guess that's what my gym membership already is.

Broverbs 1:12 Gospel of St.Hetics

If you're interested in another vanity-related post check out:
Attention Guys: How To Captivate a Woman's Attention Immediately!

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